Hadith on Islamic Finance #31

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Theme: Business Etiquette in Islam

Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said:“Flesh which has grown out of what is unlawful will not enter paradise, and hell is more fitting for all flesh which has grown out of what is unlawful”

(Source: Shuabul Iman lil Bayhaqi, hadith No. 5761)

As discussed in the previous week’s hadith, being mindful of your earning and profit sources is an essential part of Muslim business etiquette.

The hadith above concludes that any gains from unlawful transactions or means are prohibited, such as income earned through usury, bribery, cheating, stealing, or dishonest dealings. These unlawful earnings and their means are not only sinful, but those involved in them will also be at risk of their prayers not being accepted on top of losing Allah’s mercy and blessings.

Imam Ghazali mentioned, “if good intentions and a firm belief in Allah are observed and internalized, the merchant is performing business for the hereafter. Thus, it is an extra blessing if profits are gained and if losses occurred, the merchant gains profit, and if the merchant observes losses, the merchant is still profitable in the hereafter”.

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