FAQ #143: Is pursuing an MBA relevant for career progression, and is a local or top foreign one better?

Original Question: Is an MBA still relevant today? Should I aim to pursue one for career progression? If yes, would local one suffice or foreign top ones encouraged?

I think MBA is generally over rated. You may need an MBA in certain jobs like investment banking or consultancy.

For Finance industry, I think a CFA would be a better return on your investment. You can do CFA while working.

A full time MBA is costly, especially if overseas, and you should factor not only the fees but also your lost income (if doing full time MBA).

MBA may be useful if you aspire to be in management position in the long run. If that is the case, it is still good to have work experience of about 5 years in order to fully benefit from the program.

Always go for the best universities, whether local or foreign, if you can because university branding is one of the considerations for hiring firm.

Answered by Mr Basheer Buhari, after the Raya Networking Webinar 2020.

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