FAQ #144: How can an undergraduate plan a finance career while adhering to religious boundaries and ethical considerations?

Original Question: As a current undergraduate, how should I chart my career path to a successful finance career whilst still keeping within my religious boundaries?

The finance sector is very large and banking is only part of it.

If you are concerned about conventional banking, then you should consider Islamic Finance although the market in Singapore is very small (hence, limited job opportunities).

Fund management is an area that you can consider. Alternatively, jobs as a stock analyst are also within the Finance sector.

The ideal entry is to get an internship in the companies you like. That will give you a flavour as to whether the roles and or companies are in line with your thinking. Even if you did not get the internship you’re after, focus on getting a job in your targetted companies.

The immediate job may not be ideal to you but it may be a stepping stone to your dream job. Besides, once you get into the company you want, you can learn more and build an internal network that would be useful to you.

My point is that it is better to get into a good company that provides training and career progression than waiting for your ideal job to come by.

Answered by Mr Basheer Buhari after the Raya Networking Webinar 2020.

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