FAQ #130: What is your view on the concept of Waqf Istithmar?

Waqf isthithmar is waqf on investment.  As waqf is an ijtihadi law, this is  a contemporary waqf where one create a waqf both for the benefit of the giver and the project itself.

A waqf condition is that once you waqf you should not get back what you have waqf ie the capital , however you can still be given a return on the capital as a beneficiary of the waqf

Waqf isthithmar is waqf on investment.  As waqf is an ijtihadi law , this is  a contemporary waqf where one create a waqf both for the benefit of the giver and the project itself.  A waqf condition is that once you waqf you should not get back what you have waqf ie the capital , however you can still be given a return on the capital as a beneficiary of the waqf.

Answer provided by Dr Shamsiah after the Raya Networking Webinar 2020.

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