FAQ #62: Are non-Muslims allowed to buy or sell the Quran?

The Quran is the holy book of Islam. It is meant to be respected and appreciated. The issue with selling the Quran to a non-Muslim is the possibility of the Quran being mistreated and disrespected.

All our four mazhabs agree that it is prohibited for Muslims to sell the Quran to non-Muslim. However, this prohibition is limited to the pure Arabic form of the Quran and does not apply to translated versions of the Quran.

Similarly, it is inappropriate for non-Muslim sellers to sell a Quran even if the buyer is a Muslim.

A question may be raised, how would we spread Islam if we are unable to provide them with a Quran?

In this instance, it would be more appropriate to offer them translated versions of the Quran or books of Islamic teachings.

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