FAQ #68: Besides selling haram items like drugs, alcohol and so on, are there any forms of trading that are haram?

There are several other types of trade that are prohibited in Islam.

Among them is bay’ al-gharar (uncertainty in sale), which is a sale that involves risk, gambling, or obscurity of the sale outcome, price, goods, or term.

For example, selling things which existence is not yet clear, such as selling a cow’s milk that is still in the udder.A hadith by Ibn Abbas r.a. said that the Prophet ï·º is against the selling fruit before it ripens, the selling of fur that is still on the animal’s body, or the selling of milk that is still in the animal’s udders.

To summarize, are we sure how many kilograms or tons of fruit will bear from the orchard?

Some of the fruit may be damaged by insects. There is also a possibility that the fruits are lost due to storms or floods. The money has been paid, yet there are no fruits given.

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