FAQ #79: Is it permissible to sell non-halal meats like lizards and snakes to non-Muslims in some cultures?

Original Question: It is said that in some cultures, people eat lizards, snakes, and other exotic animals. Are we allowed to sell these non-halal meats to them (non-muslims)?

These animals are haram to be eaten in Islam. It is deemed haram due to many factors, which includes being a danger to health, the animal itself being impure, and so on.

A hadith narrated Imam Abu Dawood mentioned that the Messenger ﷺ said: “When Allah forbids a thing, He (also) forbids its price.”

Thus it is impermissible for Muslims to be involved in such trades.

While selling non-halal animal meats for consumption are impermissible, scholars are of the opinion that the sale of non-halal live animals may be permissible if it were sold for its benefits, such as the sale of falcons for hunting.

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