Original question:
“My father passed away recently. We have consolidated all the bank interest, and it is not included in the faraid distribution. My question is, can I use the said amount for Wakaf on behalf of my father instead of just giving it as Sadaqah to the mosque?”
Vetted answer:
First of all, may Allah grant your father the highest rank in Jannah and place him among the pious. Ameen.
Regarding your question, it is important to understand that income derived from riba (usury or interest), such as interest income in your case, is considered impure wealth that must be purified.
As for disposing of such income, there is no issue in channeling it to a cash waqf, such as the Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura, or donating it to a mosque. However, scholars generally agree that rewards are not associated with the use of wealth derived from unlawful sources. Instead, the rewards are in the act of purifying oneself by disposing of the impure wealth with sincere intention.
This understanding is based on the hadith: “O people, Allah is pure and only accepts that which is pure.” (Sahih Muslim)
For example, if you dispose of this income to a cash waqf, you will not be rewarded for the waqf itself. Instead, you will be rewarded for the sincere intention to rid yourself of unlawful income and for doing so for the sake of Allah.
And Allah Knows Best.
FAQ #32: If Riba’ is haram, how then do we beat inflation rates in today’s economy?