FAQ #145: Is money earned from working in the IT Department of a casino firm halal?

Original Question: I work in the IT department of the casino and hotel industry, where my role involves maintaining the company server and applications. Is my job permissible, halal?

This question is anchored in the principles of Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), which emphasize the prohibition against Muslims aiding in sinful actions, as articulated in Surah al-Ma’idah, verse 2: “Do not help one another in sin and enmity.” It also engages with the fiqh principle concerning the prohibition of procuring earnings from unlawful avenues, as illustrated by Ibn Abbas (RA) in his narration of the words of the Messenger of Allah (ï·º): “When Allah forbids a thing, He forbids its price as well” (Sunan abi Dawood, 3488).

In assessing employment within the IT departments of industries that encompass both casinos and hotels, two main questions arise: Does such employment contribute to non-halal activities? Does it render the earnings of an IT professional unlawful under Shariah law?

Types of Involvement in the Industry: In the context of working in the IT department of a mixed casino and hotel industry, the classification as assisting in an unlawful act depends on the nature of the involvement. Scholars have categorized this involvement into three types (1. Direct assistance; 2. Indirect assistance; 3. Potential cause to unlawful act):

  • Direct Assistance (The Frontliners):
    Employees who are directly involved in casino and hotel operations, such as facilitating gambling, promoting non-halal activities, or serving non-halal items, are seen as directly assisting in unlawful acts. The jobs and income from these roles are considered haram (unlawful) in Islam.
  • Indirect Assistance or Potential Cause to Unlawful Act (The Backliners):
    Employees who do not directly engage in non-halal activities but still work for the company in roles like IT, security, maintenance, and information desk personnel. While the earnings from these indirect roles are generally seen as lawful, the roles themselves are viewed as makruh tanzihan (dislked) as these roles might indirectly support, or could potentially lead to unlawful acts

    Therefore, due to the potential dislikeness of the job and the questionable source of income in the lens of Shariah, it is recommended to avoid such jobs if a lawful alternative is available without causing hardship. Moreover, if one chooses to continue in such a role, a sense of discomfort or reservation regarding the nature of the work should be maintained.

Recommendations and Conclusion:
In conclusion, income earned while working in the IT sector of a casino and hotel is viewed as lawful (but disliked), provided that the employee does not directly participate in gambling or other non-halal activities. 

However, if your IT role directly supports non-halal activities, such as creating apps or overseeing technology maintenance for non-halal activities, we humbly advise conveying your concerns to your supervisor or manager to avoid involvement in non-halal or dubious (syubha) activities.

As an alternative, consistently seeking IT positions in Shariah-neutral industries or sectors, such as textiles, printing, real estate, technology, health science, pharmaceuticals, education, and automation, is preferable.

All in all, rest assured that sincere efforts in seeking lawful sustenance will be blessed as menitioned in surah al-‘Ankabut, verse 69: “As for those who strive in Our cause, We will surely guide them along Our ways. And Allah is certainly with the doers of good.”

Reflections on Sustenance (Rizq):
Nonetheless, it’s essential to highlight the significance of earning halal sustenance from lawful and non-suspicious sources. Our sustenance (rizq) quantity has been decreed and recorded even before the creation of the heavens and the earth. Our actions determine whether our intended provisions reach us lawfully or unlawfully.

Let us also find solace regarding our financial affairs in the hadith narrated by Ibn Abbas (RA): “Be mindful of Allah (commands), and He will take care of you (and your affairs). Be mindful of Allah (commands), and you shall find Him at your side” (Jami’ at-Tirmidhi, 2516).

May Allah guide us in making righteous choices.

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