Zakat on Joint Accounts: Who Pays? #
Original Question: In the case of a joint account between a parent and child (I’m the child) and my parents are the ones who deposit the money in the account. But since it’s a joint account, my name is also stated in the account. In this case who pays the zakat?
Answer provided by Ustaz Haron from FAiWA.
- What is the intention when open an account. Is the child here just the trustee or the child is also the owner of the account. If he is just the trustee then only parent who is the owner pays the zakat.
- To decide what is the % ownership of the joint account holder from the beginning. Base on this % ownership say 70% parents and 30% child then pay zakat based on the ownership.
- If there is no determination on % from beginning, the default is 50%/50% unless is 100% gift to another joint account holder. Each consider their half n pay zakat accordingly.