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Halal & Haram on Money Matters

Money Matters: Halal & Haram


Unlike worship, financial transactions have a common ruling of “permissibility unless a prohibited element exists”.🤯

Scholars don’t just come out with the rulings themselves but have a basis from the primary texts (Quran & Sunnah) to determine the permissibility of a finance matter.

But what are the wisdoms that we can derive from a prohibition? What does Islam say about investment, insurance, FX, crypto, options, loans and other financial matters?🤔

To answer these questions, we have Ustaz Aminuddin Abu Bakar, principal consultant of S Tradition to expand and give a deep dive on halal & haram matters in financial matters!

Don’t miss this talk at NTU! Grab your tickets here ➡️ https://ifsg.tiny.us/FINp2