MTJM E8 Shariah Advisors Gatekeepers of Islamic Finance with Mdm Suhaida Mahpot

MTJM E8: Role of Shariah Advisors in Islamic Finance

Role of Shariah Advisors

I don’t take no for an answer. I like to find solutions. It is very easy to say no🚫. It is very easy to say haram, full stop. But it is not so easy to say I have another way to make it permissible✅” Sheikh Nizam Yaquby in Global Leaders of Islamic finance.
The role of shariah scholars involves giving the “halal” stamp to a financial product from the normal savings account 💵 to complex products such as derivatives 💱. But what is shariah compliance exactly? How much concessions do shariah scholars make to approve a structure and why do we need such individuals when we already have asatizahs?
All this and more on the eighth 8️⃣ episode of More Than Just Money: Shariah Scholars, Gatekeepers of Islamic Finance with Mdm Suhaida Mahpot, CEO of Amanie Advisors! Live with IF@SG!

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