Hadith on Islamic Finance #39

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Theme: Muamalah Virtues

It was reported by Jabir bin Abdullah (may All be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) said: “O people, no one will die until his Rizk (provision) is completed for him, (thus), do not be despair in the delay of getting the provision. (Therefore), fear Allah and be moderate in seeking provision; take that which is lawful for you, and leave that which is forbidden by Allah SWT”.

(Source: Sunan Ibn Majah, hadith No. 2144)

Rizq and provision are aspects of life that Allah SWT pre-determines and provides for His servants. It is only by Allah’s will and His decision to shower it to those He chooses for. It is He who decides how much and when it will come, and He has promised to allocate the rizq to His servants accordingly.

Both the quantity and quality of rizq are only known by Him. Thus, Allah SWT urges His servants to work for it in moderation and reminds His servant not to feel despair regardless of the outcome of their hard work.

This applies heavily to Muslim traders or business owners who intend to attain success in their business endeavour. In this pursuit for success, one must note that it is essential to be moderate. Other aspects of their life require similar efforts and attention, which is also important for their overall well-being and their hereafter.

Also, one must note that means and the wealth they acquire are in line with our shariah. Whatever that is attained via forbidden means will not be considered as rizq or provision that is permissible and will lose its blessings and essence in the eyes of Allah SWT.

Lastly, in order to gain wealth that is blessed, one must have faith in Allah SWT and ask from Him humbly through constant syukr (appreciation) and prayers.

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