Blossom Finance Review
Disclaimer: IFSG does not intend to offer or solicit anyone to buy these investments, wherever the recipient of this message may be. All investments involve risks and may result in loss. The above information and contents of Investments are for educational purposes only. You should seek assistance from a licensed financial advisor on investment matters.
Brief information: Blossom Finance (BF) does microfinancing investments. How it works is you invest as low as S$135 (US$100) and Blossom Finance pools this amount with other investment contributions. They then deploy the funds into multiple micro-businesses in Indonesia. These micro-businesses then gives back BF a return based on a percentage of how much they earn, BF takes a 10~15% profit and returns the net amount to its investors.
- Attractive returns (10~15%)
- Income generating: Investment generates monthly returns
- Shariah-compliant: Only verified halal businesses
- Social impact: Your investment helps generate liveable income for hardworking families
- Diversified for reduced risks: Investing in multiple micro-businesses to reduce your risk
- Productive not predatory: Funding is used for productive business growth with reasonable cost of funds